
HFCIM Representing 'Belt and Road' Initiative and PSNS Release 4 Standards

2019-10-15 01:35:02

On October 14th, the commemoration conference for the 'World Standards Day' in Anhui Province in 2019 was held in Hefei. Hefei CAS Ion Medical and Technical Devices Co., Ltd. was invited to participate and, on behalf of the 'Belt and Road' Proton, Superconducting, and Nuclear Energy Application International Standard Alliance (referred to as 'PSNS'), released four alliance standards.

The Alliance was established on December 4, 2017, and currently has five parties with a total of seven-member units: the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia, the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Anhui Institute of Quality and Standardization, and HFCIM. The Alliance aims to actively promote the demand for technology and cultural exchange in the fields of proton, superconducting, and nuclear energy applications among member countries. It provides an open and effective platform for sharing standardized information internationally, and scaling up the industry.

In the nearly two years since the establishment of the alliance, Hefei CAS Ion Medical and Technical Devices Co., Ltd. (HFCIM) has played a leading role as the drafting unit in completing the development of four standards. These standards include the 'Specification on Radiation Shielding of Proton Cyclotron,' 'The Magnetic Field Measurement on Penning Inner Ion Source Test Bench of Proton Cyclotron,' 'General Design Criteria on Rotating Gantry of Proton Cyclotron,' and 'General Design Criteria on Beam Stopper of Proton Cyclotron.' The formulation of these standards has played a positive role in promoting the work of the alliance.

The next step for the alliance is to continue leveraging its unique advantages in the field of proton, superconductivity, and nuclear energy applications. The alliance aims to develop advanced standards, nurture professional talents, strengthen research and development foundations, actively establish close connections with top international experts in related fields, and enhance the level of standards interoperability and mutual recognition.

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